Thursday, April 26, 2012

Black Pepper Prawns

MasyaAllah mengantuknya bijik mata ni...makan dicuba buka makin berat lak dia...maklum lah sekarang ni mieza di dalam dewan exam tengah mengawas pelajar final exam...mengantuknyaaa...tak leh jadi ni..gula-gula yang dibekalkan oleh exam unit untuk lecturers yang invigilating dah berbiji-biji mieza kemam...pun tak juga ilang ngantuk ni..last-last buka lappy la kan...leh gak hapdate blog...

Mengantuk sangat ni sebab semalam siapkan tempahan...alhamdulillah banyak tempahan akhir-akhir ni sebab ramai yang nak bertunang cuti Labor Day ni...semalam pun ada order emergency...jadi lewatlah sikit tidonya semalam...dan insyaAllah hujung minggu ni mieza akan menghadiri satu kelas membuat kek yang diadakan berhampiran dengan umah mieza...rugi pula rasanya kalau tak join sebab feenya pun rendah berbanding dengan tempat lain....ada a few frens asked, why i like baking? Well, i actually dunno...but i love to see the cakes rise in the pleasing, soooo tempting, so satisfying...ada juga yang bertanya..mana mieza cari masa masak dan tulis blog dan kenapa mieza menulis blog? Actually i wrote this blog for my own reference in the future..we are going paperless remember? hahahah I alwiz misplaced my recipe book and i've lost a few great recipes given by families and i don't want that to happen again that's why i put every single recipe that i've tried and tested here...and it's for my kids' reference in the future too, when i'm no longer around for them to refer to..they can alwiz come back to this blog and explore what their mother had cooked and fed their stomach before... gitu lah kiranya hehehe

Going back to the recipe for today...seafood lover that i am..went to TF Value Mart (yeah TF it is..what else do have here in Tg Malim besides TF...we have Tesco located about 45 km from my place...) and the prawns are quite big and cheaper compared to those selling at the wet market...grab my self  500 gm of the prawns..went home..and thinking...i did not have much time to prepare for dinner dat nite as i had to complete the cake orders...that was when i decided to cook this black pepper is easy, not time consuming, not too much ingredients needed and yet it's tasty...bon appetit!


Recipe and Source: Mieza @ WAWMC

300 grams of medium  prawns-cleaned
1/2 red capsicum, cored and diced in chunks
1 medium yellow onion,- sliced
1/2 teaspoon of grounded black pepper
3 tablespoons of black pepper sauce - mieza used 'life' brand
2 tablespoons of oyster sauce
3 garlic, minced
1 inch of ginger - sliced
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
Spring onions - chop into 2 cm length
Salt to taste


1) In a clean bowl, season prawns with ground black pepper and salt , for 10 minutes.

2) Heat a non-stick pan with oil over medium fire. Add garlic, onion and ginger....stir for 2 minutes.

3) Sprinkle cornstarch on the seasoned prawns. Place prawns in pan in one layer to slightly sauté both sides of each prawn. Add capsicum and stir fry to combine, for 2 minutes.

4) Add black pepper sauce and oyster sauce and stir fry to combine well, for another 1 - 2 minutes. Add capsicum and spring onion. Stir well..

5) Heat off and dish up. Serve with favorite rice or noodles.

Thank you for visiting! Muahhhhsss


  1. Hai Mieza cayangggg...
    masih ngantuk lagi ke.... he he hehh banyak juga pertanyaan kenapa dan mengapa untuk Mieza ye, eloknya buatlah satu encyclopedia ye Mieza untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan....
    Tengopk udang tu, aduuhhhduduhhhh.... rasa nak masak udang sekarang ni jugak!

  2. salam mieza, bestnya kalau dpt rasa udg tu, mkn ngn nasi panas2, terangkat beb....hihihihi

  3. Hamboiii...kencang bisnes yer Mieza sampai lewat tido... takpe jajni masyukkkk....hehehe nk udang...

  4. jalan-jalan sini mcm sedap je udang tu..nak masak udang ari nie. Salam pekenalan.

  5. Kak Amieee..
    itu ah dia...hari ni kepala ni berat la pulak...baru teringt yg petang semalam kena ujan masa beli nasi petang lepas balik kerja...sampai ke petang denyut2 hiuhuhuu

  6. Liza..
    betul sgt tu..mieza makan dengn nasi panas tanpa ada kuah pun bertambah-tambah..may be sebab lapar kot hahahaha

  7. Kak Gee...Alhamdulillahhh...rezeki Allah bagi..dan alhamdulillah juga customer suka...Kak Gee jemput makan udang sama2 kak :)

  8. Yaati..salam perkenalan dari mieza juga..terima kasih sudi singgah dapur mieza yg kecikkkk je ni :)

  9. salam kenal dan ziarah disini mieza..zila baru jumpa blog mieza nie kt dapur fnf..zila pun plan nk masak udang malam esok..sedapppnyaa..:)

  10. kak mieza cayangggggg....(nak lawan ayat kak amie) heheh...dah lama btol nani tak beli udang. sebelum ni kalau beli udang selalu buat goreng kunyit dengan tomyam je.pasni leh try mcm ni plak.

  11. Salam Ukwah dari sha...:))) terima kasih sudi add.. dah folo dahh.. wahhh udang tu aje memang mengiurkan... sedap!
