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Friday, July 31, 2009

Sup Tulang Rusuk

Sup yang senang dan tak banyak kerenah. Just reneh jer atas dapur sampai daging empuk..but the result emmmmm delicious! I love tulang rusuk very very much, well if compared to other tulang of course such as tulang belakang or tulang leher. I like tulang rusuk more. Kalau time raya korban memang i akan bedal tulang rusuk ni bebanyak, either masak sup, or masak singgang kelantan, or masak gulai darat..mmm memang sedap. Kat Tg Malim ni 1 kg of tulang rusuk cost me RM18, i dont know about other places, but in Kelantan it is selling at much cheaper price. When it comes to daging..mmmm i miss my home town very very much. Daging batang pinang only cost RM15 over there but it is RM25 here. Well i got it for RM22 from Hub Halal Tg Malim. Perhaps because of the inconsistency in supply level had pushed the price higher here. Cheeeewah im talking like an economist pulak. However, regardless of the price level, if an eater has to eat, an eater has to eat it anyway, at any price affordable to one's i mentioned in my earlier writings, i hardly think twice when it comes to stuffing my stomach. Call me bad spender, but hahhaha i am...


1 batang tulang rusuk - make sure to ask the seller to chop it for u unless u have sharp axe at home. Cuci dan toskan.
1 paket rempah sup tulang - i alwiz chose adabi or mak siti
4 biji bawang putih - ketuk
2 biji bawang besar - belah 6
halia - thumb size, ketuk
daun sup, limau nipis, cili api, bawang goreng
ubi kentang - kupas kulit, belah 4
Minyak untuk menumis
1 liter air


1. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk. Tumiskan bawang puith, rempah sup dan halia hingga kuning dan naik bau.

2. Masukkan tulang rusuk yang telah dicuci dan juga air. Renehkan hingga tulang empuk. Tambah air jika daging belum empuk. Kalau ada pressure cooker will make the cooking process easier and faster.

3. Masukkan kentang dan bawang besar dan dimasak lagi hingga kentang empuk. Rasakan garam gula.

4. Semasa menghidang, taburkan daun sup yang dipotong halus, cili api potong, dan bawang goreng serta perahkan air limau nipis.

5. Boleh dimakan dengan nasi putih. For my family, sup tulang rusuk and telur dadar will just do...mmmmm sedap! Sup ini boleh gak dimakan dgn macaroni, bihun or mee.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gulai Kawah Daging Rusuk

Today my MBA class started more than 3 hours late, so we had to finish late as well as the lecturer needed to cover 2 more chapters which will be tested in the final exam next week. As soon as we were dismissed from the class, without a second thot, i drove straight away heading my way to Tesco (if only we had Tesco in Tg Malim), as usual i'd alwiz buy sumthing for my girls..i just dont have a heart to look at their sweet innocent faces waiting for me at the door as i drive into the porch and keep yelling "mama balik mama balik...mama beli ape utk kakak dgn adik?" so i bought them some love letters (kuih belanda), and a box of large frozen peperoni and cheese pizza for dinner tonite...i wasn't planning to cook this gulai kawah in the first place coz i thot hey i must be very tired from the class and the driving and i still have a few yet to be done assignments, so lets have sumthing easy and fast to prepare, a pizza would just be fine, but as i walked thru the isle of these groceries to the frozen meat section inside this hypermarket, i suddenly came across this fresh, cut into cubes, cleaned and ready to cook local meat, sad but true, we hardly found fresh meat in Tanjong Malim. Last few months, i felt very relief when Hub Halal near my house had this fresh meat in their store but it didnt last long..when i called the salesboy a few weeks after that and asked him if he could save me some of the fresh meat, and some ribs of course (i like ribs very very much) he had then dissapointed me by telling that the meat wasnt available anymore..i thot it was temporary but it has been a few months now, and they dont seem like they are offering it anymore.. they said it is supply shortage problem..well since the meat is hard to get in my area, so i decided to buy 2 packets of it today, 1 packet cost me about RM5++, i was considering to cook some soup but my enjoy-to-eat-my-cooking husband felt like eating some gulai kawah..this gulai kawah is supposed to be cooked in a kawah (thats where it got its name i guess), but i dont have any kawah at the moment (never plan to buy 1 actually), so i just cooked it in a regular pot (pot cap buaya tau heheh)..this gulai kawah is very famous in Kelantan..the taste is different from regular gulai, or some places call it curry..lets share the recipe..


300 gm fresh meat, ribs will also do - cut into 1 1/2 inches cubes
2 camb rempah gulai darat/kawah - jadikan pes, i bought this rempah at pasar Siti Khadijah KB,
1 batang kulit kayu manis
2 kuntum bunga lawang
3 kuntum bunga cengkih
4 biji buah pelaga
1 camb kerisik
1 mangkuk santan
sedikit gula melaka
2 keping asam keping
Minyak untuk menumis
Kentang - optional

Bahan kisar:
2 ulas bawang putih
4 ulas bawang merah
2 tangkai cili kering
1 camt biji ketunbar
2 cm lengkuas
2 cm halia
2 cm kunyit


1. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk, tumis kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih dan buah pelaga hingga wangi. Masukkan bahan kisar dan tumis hingga garing.

2. Masukkan pula pes gulai kawah dan kerisik, tumis hingga naik bau dan pecah minyak.

3. Masukkan daging/ribs dan tambah air dan masak hingga daging empuk. Kalau tak empuk boleh tambah air lagi sampai daging empuk.

4. Bila daging dah empuk, masukkan santan, asam keping dan gula melaka. Renehkan hingga mendidih dan pecah minyak. Rasakan garam gula. Kalau suka boleh juga diletak kentang..

5. Boleh dimakan dengan nasi putih..

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Udang Masak Krim Keju

First time makan this dish was at Garden Seafood back in year 2007. Masa tu office hubby buat majlis buka puasa. Tapi Garden Seafood guna udang besarlaaaaa. Sedap giler..The majlis buka puasa was treated by this one vendor if im not mistaken, heh i always enjoyed buka posa if treated by my hubby's office coz the lauks semua beshhhhh giler heheheeh..masa tu makan udang masak alwiz i 'd wonder how the chefs actually cooked this, rasa creamy, cheesy..lemak berkrim jer...memang sedap..n boleh menambah breat badan i browse in the internet..tapi tak jumpa until i decided to bedal jer this recipe based on how my tounge told me about its ingredients after savoring it a few time at the Garden Seafood. Eventhough main campak2 jer..but the result was amazing..sedap!

(For 4 pax)

10 udang galah - udang galah ni i beli kat pasar Tg Malim RM20/kg
3 ulas bawang putih - cincang
1 biji bawang besar - cincang
2-3 biji cili api - potong kecil
1 tangkai daun kari
2 camb butter untuk menumis
Sedikit carrot - potong panjang 1 inci
Sedikit brocolli
1/2 tin susu cair
3- 4 camb parmesan cheese
1 tangkai daun pudina
garam dan gula to taste


1. Udang dicuci dan diperap dengan lada hitam, bawang putih dan sedikit garam. Goreng hingga masak dan ketepikan.

2. Panaskan butter dalam kuali, tumiskan bawang putih, bawang besar, daun kari dan cili api hingga garing.

3. Tambahkan susu cair, carrot dan brocolli. Kacau dan masak hingga sayur 1/2 masak.

4. Masukkan pula cheese dan dikacau rata. Masukkan udang yang telah digoreng dan daun pudina ke dalam kuah cheese dan digaul rata.

5. Rasakan garam dan gula.

6. Hidangkan dengan nasi putih....Beshhhhh

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