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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nasi Lemak Sambal Udang

I hardly cooked for breakfast. During weekdays, Hubby and I would separately have breakfast with friends. Hubby with his friends and myself with mine. Along would have hers at school with her friends. Even if I cooked (or prepared), our breakfast would be as lite and fast as it could, sometimes I just took some cereal with fresh milk, at some other times 2 pieces of bread with its spread would do me just good. Most of the time I didn't take breakfast at home at all. My weekend was always tite. I'd always be spending my time in Shah Alam, eating whatever the faculty has prepared for me, and my family would have had their breakfast at mamak restaurant without me. Luckily this week tak ada class, so I decided to cook Nasi Lemak for breakfast. Once in a while je tau boleh prepare like this for breakfast, and most precious is the time we spend with family in the dining room, where everyone sits around the same table and tastes the same tasty food. To me, that is priceless. (Pic 1 : Along waited patiently for her nasi lemak :))


3 pot beras - dicuci (cukup untuk aku satu family of 4)
3 pot santan - pot yang sama
2 cm halia - dimayang
1/2 camt halba
2 helai daun pandan
Sedikit garam


300 gm udang - dicuci
5 biji cili kering - dicuci, rendam dan kisar
3 biji bawang merah - dimayang
2 biji bawang putih - dimayang
Sedikit air asam jawa
2 biji bawang besar - dikisar
Sedikit gula melaka
Minyak untuk menumis


1. Nasi lemak: Nasi lemak dimasak dengan mencampurkan semua bahan untuk nasi tersebut dan dimasak seperti memasak nasi biasa.

2. Sambal udang : Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, tumiskan bawang yang dimayang hingga garing. Bila bawang dah garing masukkan cili yang telah dimesin dan dimasak hingga cili masak dan pecah minyak.

3. Masukkan air asam jawa. Masak sekejap dan bolehlah dimasukkan bawang besar dan gula melaka. Bila kuah dah agak pekat, masukkan udang dan biar hingga udang masak. Rasakan garam dan gula.

4. Hidangkan nasi lemak bersama sambal udang, sedikit ikan bilis goreng, telur goreng mata kerbau, kacang tanah goreng dan beberapa hirisan timun.

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